Mr. Williston & Ms. McFarlane (Phys. Ed.)

Mr. Williston

Posted: May 1, 2020

Bradie has been playing ball outside, going for walks, playing...

Posted: April 30, 2020

More pictures of our King Street Students being active at home.

Posted: April 30, 2020


Next week (May 4th) we will be starting our skipping unit as part of our Home Learning experience. The school has a limited number of ropes for those students who may need one. If your child requires a rope, please let us know when you come to pick up their belongings next week. Rope are limited to one per family. Thank you for your understanding.


Mr. Noel


Mr. Williston     


Posted: April 29, 2020

Some of the Robichaud kids playing a game of sock baseball...

Posted: April 27, 2020


Monday to Thursday - Sock Ball Games 

Here are a six simple games played with sock balls that you can play indoors with limited space and equipment. These are single-player games, but you can play with others if you wish. Try a different game each day and pick your favorite. Start by raiding your sock drawer: each of the games requires making one or more single balls using two or three clean pairs of large socks rolled inside each other.


Friday – Fitness Friday 

It’s Fitness Friday, or better known as Running Day!  Run outside without stopping (it’s OK to walk) for 6 minutes. Have a 4 minute warmup before starting your run. 


Run or dance on the spot inside for 6 minutes. Play your favorite music just like we would if we were in the gym. Have a 4 minute warmup before starting your activity.


PDF icon april_27_sock_games.pdf604.86 KB

Posted: April 23, 2020


Sarah made her own bowling game at home this week (Monday’s activity) and had lots of fun. Please send us your pictures of how you are keeping active...

Posted: April 20, 2020


This week we have included a few different activities for you to try.  The goal for each day is for a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity.  Remember that these minutes can be spread out throughout the day or done all at once.  Also feel free to change the order of any activity and if there is something you really like, do it as many times as you want and as always we love it when you come up with your own activity.  

Here are some extra activities to try this week: 

Monday – Indoor/outdoor Bowling 

Make your own bowling game using old plastic bottles (6 or 10 works well). If you play outside, add a little water to each bottle to help keep them standing. Make a starting line using sidewalk chalk or masking tape, grab a ball and have some fun. Challenge someone in your family and yourself by adding more bottles or moving the starting like back.  

Variation for outside:  try kicking a ball at the pins

Tuesday - Connor McDavids 15 minute workout 

The workout is made up of four different activities that you do four times: 

1.       10 squats (for a total of 40) 

2.       A 45 second wall sit (done 4 times) 

3.       10 push ups (for a total of 40). Possible variation: K-2 – hold a plank for 10 seconds, 3-5 – 5 push ups (for a total of 20) 

4.       A 30 second squat and hold for each leg (for a total of 8) 

This workout can be found at:

Wednesday - Go for a walk or jog with your family and try to find all the following items in any order: 

1.       A bicycle  

2.       Someone walking 

3.       A birdfeeder 

4.       A house with Christmas lights still up 

5.       A basketball or hockey net 

6.       An odd numbered house 

7.       A swing set  

8.       A dog or cat 

9.       A STOP sign 

10.   A piece of sports equipment (i.e. soccer ball, hockey stick, etc.)

Thursday – Make your own obstacle course.   

This can be done inside or outside (I made my children do this OUTSIDE). Use items that you can run around, go over/under. Time yourself and challenge someone in your family to beat your time.

Friday – Fitness Friday 

It’s Fitness Friday, or better known as Running Day!  Run outside without stopping (it’s OK to walk) for 5 minutes and 15 seconds. Have a 4 minute warmup before starting your run. 


Run or dance on the spot inside for 5 minutes and 15 seconds. Play your favorite music just like we would if we were in the gym. Have a 4 minute warmup before starting your activity.


Posted: April 15, 2020


ASD-N is offering Mental Health and Wellness Supports to our students. A list of these resources can be found on our website at


Look under the “Latest Documents” section for the link “Mental Health/Wellness Supports” posted April 3, 2020.


Posted: April 14, 2020

PDF icon whats_your_name_fitness_activity_7.pdf229.02 KB

Posted: April 13, 2020


Each day you can choose your workout! Pick ONE of the daily exercises or choose an exercise of your own to do. It’s also OK to change the order of the activities. See how many you can complete between now and next weeks’ post.














Week 2






Easter Monday 



 *Have a 3 minute warmup before starting your run.


Run 3 Laps

around your

house outside




Stand and read

for 15 minutes


*Have a 3 minute warmup before starting dancing.



Dance for 10





Stretch for 10





What's your name fitness activity.


See PDF file.

It’s fitness Friday, or better known as Running Day! 

Run outside without stopping (it’s OK to walk) for 5 minutes

*Have a 3 minute warmup before starting your run.



*Have a 3 minute warmup before starting your activity.


Run or dance on the spot for 5 minutes. Play your favorite music just like we would if we were in the gym.






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Added: Wed, Jan 17 2024


Added: Thu, Jan 20 2022