Literacy and You and Your World

Posted: November 9, 2021


  • Check out the documents posted all about emotions, describing your family, what's in your school bag, in your classroom, how do you get to school.  Can you answer the questions orally, in writing and then read it?
  • Continue with « Les Mots de la Semaine »: read, write, shout them out!
  • Log in to “Je lis, Je lis, Littératie” – a couple of books in Magenta Collection

You can even record yourself and listen to yourself reading! (Reply to my email for your child’s personal login information)

  • Be creative – draw your words in a hopscotch or on a BINGO card!  Get the whole family in on the fun!

You and Your World

  • Get outside for some fresh air! Play, go for a walk and get your daily dose of Vitamin D!
  • “Comment te sens-tu?”
  • Listen to the song “Les Émotions” on YouTube and then describe your own emotions and why.
  • Practice “Les Couleurs” en Français Listen to Youtube song on colors and practice with your family!
  • Describe what you are wearing using colors:  Je porte un chandail bleu (I’m wearing a blue shirt.)  Je porte un pantalon gris. (I’m wearing a gray pair of pants.)
  • Describe yourself: J’ai les cheveux blonds et les yeux noisettes.  Je porte des lunettes.(I have blond hair, and hazel eyes.  I wear glasses.)
  • Try describing others in your household or friends :  Nick a les cheveux bruns.  Il a les yeux bruns.  (Nick has brown hair. He has brown eyes.)  (boy: il / girl: elle)

Say it, Write it, Read it!