Home learning- November 2nd

Posted: November 1, 2021


Just a note to break down my learning schedule for tomorrow, should students like to join me in MS Teams. 

9:30 am on MS Teams (approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour) 

Morning routine

Message of the week- reading and clarifying unknown or difficult words. Search for the nouns in the text (this allows me to have important discussions with them about plural, masculin, feminine, and how adjectives and nouns need to be properly accorded to one another)

Inferencing practice

Currently we are working away on inferencing from texts to develop our comprehension. Students use context clues and their prior knowledge, if necessary, to figure out important comprehension of a text. This is really important as they advance in their text levels with guided reading and for building understanding in topics in class.

Update on literacy and 'guided reading'

I understand that a number of you are unable to get online during the daytime for one reason or another. My goal in the coming few days is to photograph and record guided reading books for the students with the highest need for practice. I will reach out to individual faimiles to tell you which text your child should be practicing and give you an idea of step by step activities that you can do (this will be a word document that they can use regardless of the book). For students who are more advanced, I will have a genius hour challenge coming. Students will choose a topic for which they are passionate, find some information, write a short presentation and share with the class when we return to school :) Should we only have time to start this project, students will be given time during guided reading block at school to continue their work. 

Equivalent fractions

** This is NEW content ** 

I have placed a little note in French for students, along with a document that will be used in our session tomorrow. I will also be adding some equivalent fractions practice sheets, and a YouTube video that will help refresh their memories and show them concrete ways to calculate them. We will be working on this all week, so if your child cannot join us during the day, I recommend that they revisit the MS Teams group and the recordings to get the instruction. If they have any questions, please reach out via MS Teams or email :)

That's all I have for now! 

Mme Sharpe