Home Learning April 27 - May 1


Monday to Thursday - Sock Ball Games 

Here are a six simple games played with sock balls that you can play indoors with limited space and equipment. These are single-player games, but you can play with others if you wish. Try a different game each day and pick your favorite. Start by raiding your sock drawer: each of the games requires making one or more single balls using two or three clean pairs of large socks rolled inside each other.


Friday – Fitness Friday 

It’s Fitness Friday, or better known as Running Day!  Run outside without stopping (it’s OK to walk) for 6 minutes. Have a 4 minute warmup before starting your run. 


Run or dance on the spot inside for 6 minutes. Play your favorite music just like we would if we were in the gym. Have a 4 minute warmup before starting your activity.


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