Day 3 – Tip #3 “Eat the brown kind”


Did you know that whole grain bread (the brown kind) is the best choice to eat for your health? Whole grains are the seed kernels from cereal plants.


Whole grains have three parts: 1. The endosperm 2. The bran 3. The germ. If you eat the whole grain, you are eating all three parts and getting all the vitamins, minerals and fiber from the grain.


White flour is used to make white bread and has had the bran and germ removed from the grain (not a good idea). When we eat whole grains, our body gets lots of energy (called carbohydrates) that will last for a long time.


Try this quiz and see what you remember.


1.       Is a whole grain a seed kernel or plant root?


2.       How many parts in a whole grain?


3.       What is the best type of bread to eat?


4.       Why do we need to eat whole grains?


5.       The energy we get from eating whole grains only lasts a short time. True or False




Source: 12 Tips for a Healthy Diet by Marne Ventura and the Canada Food Guide