Posted: October 15, 2021
Language Arts:
- Story: Read a book or have an adult read to you. Or listen to a story on
- Draw a picture of something you love to do in the fall. Add labels to your picture (for example: the word “me” or the word “hockey” (at this point some students should be able to tell you what letter the word begins with).
- Calendar on
- Watch the counting video:
- Practice counting from 0-10. If this is easy for your child have them count backwards from 10-0. Or talk about the numbers that come before/after a number.
- Continue to explore Splashlearn Math
Zoo Phonics: Listen to the song, Zoo-phonics Signals and Sounds on youtube- and Who Let the Letters Out Remix Zoo Phonics Song with hand signals
You and Your World: Fire Safety: Continue to explore Sparky’s Fire safety site
***You can also work on some of the things in your Home Learning package that was sent home a couple of weeks ago.
Hope you all have a safe and happy weekend!!!