Posted: November 1, 2021
Home Learning November 1-5
Draw apicture of some of your favorite treats from Halloween night. Can you label the items in your picture? | Practiceprinting your name.Workon usingan uppercase letteratthestartand the restinlowercase. Can you name all the letters in your name? | Make some letters using playdoh or go outside and use sticks. | Practiceidentifying the beginningsound in words.Whatisthe beginning sound in “dog”?hen?cat? Whatwordsdoyou knowthathavethe samemiddlesound? Try makingalist. |
Write the numbers 1-10 on sticky notes and have someone hide them around the house. Go collect the sticky notes, then put the numbers in order! | Makeapatternwith itemsyoufind inyour house.Gooutside andmakepatternswith leaves, sticks, rocks, etc. | Play a game of Number After: Someone says a number and you have to say what number comes after as fast as you can! | Making sets of “five”: Make a set of five using things around your house such as your toys, books, shoes, pillows, etc. |
· Continue to practice naming your letters, sounds and numbers 0-10.
· Continue to practice your sight words.
· Continue to read and be read to each day.
· Explore Squiggle Park. If you need help with your login, please email your teacher.
· Explore Splash Math or Zorbit’s Math. If you need help with your login, please email your teacher.
· Explore the games and activities on these websites: