Posted: October 14, 2021
Home Learning October 15th
Speaking and Listening
Choose from the following:
Listen to a story on or have an adult read a book to you.
Discuss your favorite part of the story.
*Interview members of your family and ask them what they like about Fall.
*Listen to these songs about rhyme:
Have fun doing the calendar on
Review your letters and sounds by playing these songs:
Review your letters on
Your child can work on the Covid folder that was sent home in the event of a school closure due to Covid 19.
*Please continue to use the Squiggle Park website.
1. Visit Squiggle Park at (Literacy Skills Practice)
2. In the upper right-hand corner click on Student Play
3. Click on the arrow in the center of the screen
4. Enter the Group/Access code that was sent home with the Squiggle Park instructions.
5. Click NEXT in the bottom right-hand corner
6. Select your child’s name
7. Enter your child’s player code
8. Click NEXT in the bottom right-hand corner
*Please continue to use the Splash Math website.
1. Visit Splash Math at or Download the SplashLearn iPad app and login as student (Math Skills Practice)
2. In the upper right-hand corner click on Log In
3. Log in as Student
4. Enter class code: LJVVVL
5. Select your child’s name
6. Click on the picture of the pylon/safety cone
I hope you have a chance to get outside and relax and enjoy! If there is anything I may be able to help you with, please contact me at