Learning from Home November 3, 2021

Posted: November 3, 2021

Speaking and Listening


Listen to a story on



Have an adult read a book to you.

Discuss your favorite part of story.


Do the calendar on Starfall.com https://www.starfall.com/h/holiday/calendar/?sn=main




Review the letter names and sounds https://www.starfall.com/h/abcs/

Review the letter names https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_-lz2BI2Co

Review our Zoo-phonics letter/sounds                                                                        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4RuBB-aFb0


Sight Words


Review our first list of kindergarten sight words https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qIxhNe5_S0




Practice reading the 2 books that were sent home.

Read the pictures from some of your favorite books from home. Look through the words to see if you can spot some of your Kindergarten sight words.




Draw pictures of your favorite foods and label each picture by writing the beginning sound of each food item. If you can, try to sound the words out slowly to record more of the sounds within each word. 

Listen to the song, Beginning Sounds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVYa4Vv4mYY

Please continue to practice printing your name and saying the names of each letter in your name. Be sure to use a capital letter at the beginning of your name and the remaining letters should all be lowercase letters. Do your best! :)





Have your child sort items from around your home. They can sort forks, knives and spoons or fruits and vegetables or help you sort laundry or toys, etc.



Have your child create 2-part patterns from some of the items they sorted. They may also want to try make up their own 2-part sound or action patterns.


They could go outside and sort and create patterns with rocks, sticks etc.


Subitizing (Student should be able to look at a small set and know how many) 

Subitize Up To 5 (soo-bi-tize) | Math Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann - YouTube 


Roll a dotted dice and have your child quickly say the amount without counting. 


Practice number recognition and listen to this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzmB0GoEKkA


Comparing quantities

Have your child roll two dotted diceHave then say the amount on each dice and then get them to tell you which one has more dots, which one has fewer dots or if they have the same amount.


You can also have them compare quantities by holding up fingers on both of your hands and having them to tell you which one has more, which one has fewer, or if they have the same amount.