Home Learning for Friday, January 14

Posted: January 14, 2022


I hope that you have worked hard all week in your learning packet. Remember that you can email me at any time. (nancy.hambrook@nbed.nb.ca

Today, start your day by listening to this book: 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0a2MR48f6M and then in your notebook, tell me which day is your favorite and why. (My favorite day is Friday because I usually get to go out to supper with my family or we take supper home. I can stay up late on Friday because I can sleep in on Saturday. I find Friday I am more relaxed and I seem to have more fun. It is funny how a day can make you feel different!)

Today, read one of the levelled books in your bag and then write 3 sentences telling me what part is your favorite. Then draw a picture to go with it. 

For math today watch these videos and practcie skip counting, these will get you warmed up, but remember, in grade 3, we skip count to at least 1000!



You should practice going on from 100-1000.

Remember that you can go on to Splashlearn. Let me know when you want more lessons. I am not adding anything until people finsih the assignments given.

I also hope that you got to try Epic books. 

I am leaving this step by step drawing if you want to give that a try. I thought maybe we could draw "Kevin" today!

If you do, please bring it when we come back to school. And rememebr, all of your completed work should come back to school with you.

Have a great weekend!