Home Learning Friday October 15, 2021

Posted: October 15, 2021

Good Morning Grade 4!

Today is day 4 of home learning.  I hope you had a good week.  If you are able to bring in something…anything that you worked on this past week and show me on Monday, you can enter your name for our weekly prize draw.  I am also sending an email to parents with an attachment for a worksheet.  If this is too difficult, please change the operations to addition or subtraction as needed. 

Here are a few things for today:

1.  Language Arts: 

Reading – read a selection of your choice.  Try to read for at least 15-20 minutes.  Talk about your book to a parent/guardian.  Create a character web (like we did for Matilda) for a character in your book.  On paper, draw a sketch of a character in the middle of the sheet.  Then in bubbles around the character describe the character – what he/she looks like, personality, age, etc.  Try to have 5 items (or more) around the character. 

Writing – Today should be your last day to work on the long weekend story.  It is now time to read over your story to be sure you have everything you need to make the story complete.  Did you remember to include: beginning, middle (first, next, then, after that, finally), ending, extra details, punctuation, spelling fix ups, and upper case letters where they belong (ALERT:  “I” when you write about yourself…not “i”).   Once you have completed this, share your story to an at home audience!  Bring it to class for a sharing party on Monday!

You can go on to tumble books and listen to reading.  Here is the information:


username:  nblib

password: nbschools


2.  Math:

Our class has been set up with the SplashLearn website.  Continue to work on activities from this site.  Try to spend 20-30 minutes (or more!!) working on activities once you are logged in.  You can access this with the code below.  Click “student” and find your name (the avatar was randomly generated by the website). 


class code:  CKGIYI

class password:  glue73

 Continue to study multiplication facts x0 and x1 up to 12.  (0x1=0 up to 0x12=0, 1x1=1 up to 1x12=12)

Play a card game:  with a partner flip over one card each at the same time.  Add the numbers together.  The first person to answer correctly gets a point.  Add up all the points when all the cards have been used to determine a winner.  Use face cards as you wish…perhaps all worth 10 or make them 11, 12, 13.  LEVEL UP:  Think you know multiplication:  multiply the cards to get a point!!

3.  Art:

Use the website

Art For Kids Hub - Art Lessons - How To Draw For Kids

Choose an art project to complete!

**Don’t forget to get some physical activity.  Play a game, ride a bike, go for a walk.  It is important to stay active.