Posted: January 17, 2022
Good morning girls and boys! Today is Monday, January 17, 2022. We are headed into another week of home learning. I hope you all had a good weekend! Please note the login information on the sheet in your packs for SplashLearn has a typo…the correct class code is CKGIYI
Language Arts:
1. Study the spelling list. Complete another sheet for the list.
2. For writing today, I would like for you to begin working on the “Opinion Writing” planning sheet. It is asking for you to have 3 reasons to answer the question “is cold weather better than hot weather, why or why not.” We started this type of writing before Christmas, so you know you need reasons and details. Complete the planning sheet. Tomorrow you will work on the writing sheet that goes with it.
3. Read for 15-20 minutes. This can be a book of your own choice, or working on the book that was sent home.
4. Complete the second side of “using a and an”.
5. I have included a cursive writing pack. There are the first four letters (upper and lower case). You can work on these at any time at your own pace.
1. Work on the sheets “Fractions on a Number Line” and play a few more games from the sheet “Multiplication Tic-Tac-Toe”.
2. Play the game Toothy that has been loaded to my page. This is a review of fractions.
3. New assignments have been added to SplashLearn. Spend some time working on these.
Use any of the following websites:
TumbleBooks - eBooks for eKids! (
Free Multiplication Math Games |
Fourth Grade Learning Games, Ages 9 - 10 • ABCya!
Math Games | Math Playground | Fun for Kids
*Don’t forget to have a look at home learning for Phys.Ed., Music, and even Guidance. There are some great activities available.
Have a great day, Grade 4! As always, if you have any questions, have a grownup send me an email and I’ll do my best to help!
**Remember to bring in any work that you have completed at home.