Home Learning January 20

Posted: January 20, 2022

Good morning girls and boys!  Today is Thursday, January 20, 2022.  Here is the assigned work for today.    

Language Arts:

1. Read a book of your choice or listen to a Tumble Book or a story from StoryLine Online

Storyline Online - Home

2.  Work on the Reading Comprehension sheets “Winter”.  Read the story and answer the questions.  Watch the video below for a fun and interesting lesson about winter.

Brainpop Jr. Winter - YouTube

3. Spend some time playing some word work games of your choice on the following website.

Fourth Grade Learning Games, Ages 9 - 10 • ABCya!


1.  Work on the sheet “Addition”.  This is the flip side of the sheet from yesterday.

2.  Answer the following in your scribbler.

Joe is learning to play piano.  On Monday he practiced from 6:45 to 7:10.  On Tuesday he practiced from 3:55 to 4:30.  How many minutes did he practice piano?

Print your full name.  Write a fraction to represent the vowels in your name and the consonants in your name.

3.  Play some games on multiplication.com.  (website is listed in extras).



Use any of the following websites:

TumbleBooks - eBooks for eKids! (tumblebooklibrary.com)


Free Multiplication Math Games | Multiplication.com

Fourth Grade Learning Games, Ages 9 - 10 • ABCya!                  

Math Games | Math Playground | Fun for Kids

*Don’t forget to have a look at home learning for Phys.Ed., Music, and even Guidance.  There are some great activities available.

Have a great day, Grade 4! As always, if you have any questions, have a grownup send me an email and I’ll do my best to help!

**Remember to bring in any work that you have completed at home.