Posted: November 1, 2021
Good Morning boys and girls! I hope you had an amazing and fun Halloween weekend and I look forward to hearing your stories when we return to in-person learning. Today you will be learning from home. Here are a few options for you for today. If you haven’t completed your at home learning package that was sent home you can work on anything from that package. If you have already completed that, here is the work for today:
Language Arts:
Everyday read for 15-20 minutes. Log your books and time spent reading.
Practice Spelling List from last week. Choose 5 words from your list to write a sentence for each.
Listen to reading on Tumble Books. Login information: nblib nbschools
Write a journal entry about your Halloween, or something you did over the weekend. This should be a true story, not fiction. Give as much detail as you can.
Log in to Splash Learn. You have new assignments loaded to your profile. When you finish the assignments, choose your own game/activity. Login information: CKGIYI glue73
Play from any of the math websites we have used: ABCya,, or mathplayground.
Continue to study x2 and begin working on x3
Cross Curricular:
Last week we watched a video on YouTube about children who explored caves. Check out their YouTube channel and choose a video(s) to watch. To find them search “The River and Wilder Show”. Answer the following questions in sentences:
1. Name of the video:
2. How were the children explorers in the video?
3. Tell about 3 things the children learned during their exploration.
Be sure to get exercise! Today we would have had Phys.Ed. and it’s a beautiful day. Play outside, ride your bicycle, etc
**Remember to bring in any work that you have completed at home.