Home learning December 15th

Posted: December 15, 2021


Speaking and listening 

Read a Christmas story to your child and ask them questions. Example: What was your favorite part? What happened at the beginning/end of the story? 

The class is now sign up for epic books if you are looking for books to read to your child.  Student Log In (getepic.com) (Class code is hnd6733 and they find their name) 



Have your child read, log into Epic books, click on the GRL tab and pick the book level your child has been bring home. 

Student Log In (getepic.com) (Class code is hnd6733 and they find their name) 





Write about your favorite thing about Christmas and draw a picture. 


Sight word  

Print lower case letters and 1 upper case I (the word I is always a capital letter) on a piece of paper and cut them up and have your child build the sight word you call out to them. Work on the level your child is working on. 

Level A words – a, I, am, at, can, go, is, like, me, see, the, to 

Level B words – dad, he, in, it, look, mom, my, on, up, we 

Level C words – and, are, come, for, got, here, not, play, said, you 

Level D sight words –day, down, into, looking, she, they, went, where, will, your 



Rhyming – pick one of the songs below 



Syllables – pick one of the songs below 





Before and After 

Draw a number line from 1 to 10 for your child.  

Practice counting forwards and backwards and have your child point to the number on the number line while they are counting 

Call out a number from 1 to 10 and have your child find it on the number line. Then ask your child what comes before the number and after the number. 


Fewer and More 

Show your child a number on your fingers.  Then have them show an amount that is fewer, same, or more. 


Number Pairs 


Splash Math 

I have assigned a couple activities on this website. SplashLearn Sign In 

Class code: GBESWG   Class password: picture of a Kiwi