Home Learning November 8th - 12th

Posted: November 7, 2021

Please keep all work and return sheets and duotangs on our first day back. 



Speaking and listening 

Read a story to your child and ask them questions. Example: What was your favorite part? What happened at the beginning/end of the story? 

The class is now sign up for epic books if you are looking for books to read to your child.  Student Log In (getepic.com) (Class code is hnd6733 and they find their name) 



Have your child read their new booksMake sure your child in pointing to each word. If you child would like to read some more books login into epic books the code is above and below. Click on the GRL tab and they can read some A level books witassistance from you. 

Student Log In (getepic.com) (Class code is hnd6733 and they find their name) 



Practice printing their ABC on the dry erase sheet I sent home a few weeks ago. 

Use the letter sheet I gave you and test your child on their letters and sounds. (Write all 26 upper-case and 26 lower-case letters on a sheet of paper out of order) If they must think about it or do not know the letter, then that would be a letter they need to work on. Spend some time this week helping your child work on the letters they are having trouble with. 

Red Duotang: have your child finish the letters sheets in their duotang. (V, W, X, Y, Z) 

Review letters by playing a couple squiggle park games in the ABC world.  



Go outside and play and come back in and draw a picture of what you did outside and make sure you take the time to label your picture. Please help your child sound out the words they need to label their picture by saying the word over and over and telling them to write the letters they hear. Use the writing paper that I provided. 


Sight word  

Print lower case letters and 1 upper case I (the word I is always a capital letter) on a piece of paper and cut them up and have your child build the sight word you call out to them. Work on the level your child is working on. 

Level A words – a, I, am, at, can, go, is, like, me, see, the, to 

Level B words – dad, he, in, it, look, mom, my, on, up, we 

Level C words – and, are, come, for, got, here, not, play, said, you 


Literacy sorting sheet  

Have your child cut out and sort the letters, words, and sentences and glue them on the sheet. 


Rhyming – pick one of the songs below 



Syllables – pick one of the songs below 





Before and After 

Play this video and try the game with your child. 


Fewer and More 

Tell your child a number between 1 and 10 and have them make a group that is fewer or more than that number.   


Number 9 (this week we are working on number 9) 

Number 9 Sheets in their Blue duotang. 

Have your child do 9 squats, 9 sit ups, 9 touch your toes, and 9 push up. 

Make a group with 9 spoons, 9 goldfish, 9 piece of Lego, etc 

Draw a picture of 9 hearts and color your picture. 

Number Pairs 

Math review sheets: 

Do the three 1-5 math sheets I gave you. 


Splash Math 

Class code: GBESWG   Class password: picture of a Kiwi