Home learning October 13th

Posted: October 13, 2021


Speaking and listening 

Read a story to your child and ask them questions. Example: What was your favorite part? What happened at the beginning/end of the story? 

 Student Log In (getepic.com) ( class code is hnd6733 and they find their name)



Have your child read the new books I sent home on Friday.  Make sure your child in pointing to each word. 



Work on learning letter Ll  

Have students practice printing letter Ll  

Tell your child to pick their favorite book and see if they can find the letter Ll. 

Draw a picture of something that starts with Ll. 

Review letters by playing a couple squiggle park games in the ABC world.  


Letter Tracing ABC book 

Trace the letters in their ABC book.  Have your child say the letter name and sound as they are tracing. Make sure they are watching the arrows and starting at the dot. 



Practice printing their ABC. (New sheet sent home on Friday) Make sure they are holding the dry erase marker the right way  


Sight word  

Level A words – a , I, am, at, can, go, is, like, me, see, the, to 



Splash Math 

I have assigned a couple activities on this website. SplashLearn Sign In 

Class code: GBESWG   Class password: picture of a Kiwi 


Number 5 (this week we are working on number 5) 

Practice printing number 5 

Have your child go around the house and make groups of five. (Example; Can you go get me 5 spoons, 5 crayons, 5 toys etc.) 


Subitizing (Student should be able to look at a small set and know how many) 

Roll a dotted dice and have your child quickly say the amount without counting.