Home Learning Week of April 6th

Posted: April 6, 2020

I miss seeing your faces everyday!! I hope you are staying safe! Here is this week's homelearning. If you have any questions please contact me at Colleen.kane@nbed.nb.ca

Speaking and listening

Have an adult read to me each day or play an online book and tell the adult about the book.https://www.storylineonline.net/


1. I know the name of all my letters and their sounds.

Review by playing Alphabet song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36IBDpTRVNE

2. I know my 32 sight words. A - C Level sight words: I, a, am, at, can, go, is, like, me, see, the, to, dad, he, in, it, look, mom, my, on, up, we, and, are, come, for, got, here, not, play, said, and you. 

Review the words I know and pick one or two words to work on. There is a song for each word on YouTube. For example type in Jack Hartmann The song.  Ideas to help you learn your words: build the work with playdoh, print the word 5 times with different colored crayons, or print the letters and cut them out and practice building the word and mess it up and build it again.  

If your child knows the A-C sight words here are the D-F sight words: day, down, into, looking, she, they, went, where, will, your, all, away, back, big, her, over, this, want, who, with, came, have, help, next, now, one, some, then, was, what.

3. I know how to read.  I can look at the picture and try to sounds out little words to help me with the words I don’t know. Raz-Kids is the main websites we will be using. I assigned each student three books for the week. 

Step 1: Go to https://www.raz-kids.com/  (there is also an app available)

Step 2: Enter or choose the teacher’s username, KindergartenCKane

Step 3: your child finds his or her username on the class chart.

Step 4: your child enter his or her password. Our class is the ”Apple” symbol.

Other sites you may like to try:




Write about your family or your favourite food or anything you would like to write about for 10 minutes. Everyday add more details to your picture and your words. On Friday read your story to the adults in your house and talk about the picture.

I can draw a picture.

I can label my picture.

I can write a sentence by myself. (Don’t forget your finger space between your words)

I can try to sound out words I don’t know how to spell and I can use my sight words.

I can read my story and talk about my picture to an adult.


Working on counting this week.

Some ideas:

When you get a snack count how many goldfish are in your bowl

When you are building with Lego count the pieces you need or the pieces you used.

Count your teddy bears, trucks, etc.

Math sites you may like to try:

