Posted: January 24, 2022
Please keep all work and return on our first day back.
Speaking and listening
Read a story to your child and ask them questions. Example: What was your favorite part? What happened at the beginning/end of the story?
Play ABC Song:, this will help review letter names and sounds.
Practice printing their ABC on the dry erase sheet.
Have your child read their two books for the week.
Making words:(the letters are in their package; they need to be cut up) Call out the following words and have your child build it with their letters. They must change the beginning or ending letter to make the next word. Try this three times this week.
Day 1: cat-can-man-mad-mat-map
Day 2: hot-hog-hop-top-pop-pot-dot-dog
Day 3: ham-hat-had-sad-sat-sap
Dictation sentence: Read the following sentences slowly. They should write this sentence on their own. Your child can use their word wall and sound out the unknown words and write it in their scribbler. Try this three times this week.
Day 1: A black cat sat on my lap.
Day 2: We will go get the dog.
Day 3: Can you look in the car?
Writing (one piece of writing for the week)
Go outside and play and come back in and draw a picture of what you did outside and make sure you take the time to label your picture. Please help your child sound out the words they need to label their picture by saying the word over and over and telling them to write the letters they hear. Use the writing paper that I provided.
Sight word (Review sight words A, B, and C and start working on the next level of words.)
Level A words – a, I, am, at, can, go, is, like, me, see, the, to
Level A sight word song Jan Richardson's Sight Word Review | Level A | Jack Hartmann Sight Words - YouTube
Level B words – dad, he, in, it, look, mom, my, on, up, we
Level B sight word song Jan Richardson's Sight Word Review |Review Level B | Jack Hartmann Sight Words - YouTube
Level C words – and, are, come, for, got, here, not, play, said, you
Level C sight word song Jan Richardson's Sight Word Review |Review Level C | Jack Hartmann - YouTube
Level D- day, down, into, looking, she, the, went, where, will, your
Level D sight word song Jan Richardson's Sight Word Review | Level D | Jack Hartmann Sight Words - YouTube
Level E – all, away, back, big, her, over, this, want, who, with
Level E sight word song Jan Richardson's Sight Word Review | Level E | Jack Hartmann - YouTube
Level F- came, have, help, next, now, one, some, then, was, what
Level F sight word songs Jan Richardson's Sight Word Review | Level F | Jack Hartmann - YouTube
Rhyming – Work on generating Rhyme. Tell your child two words that rhyme and see if they can think of another word that rhymes.
Example hill, will
Answer: bill
Generating Rhymes Part 1 - YouTube - This may help with some ideas to help your child.
Work on Rhyming sheets in your child's package.
Before and After
Draw a number line from 1 to 10 for your child. Practice counting forwards and backwards and have your child point to the number on the number line while they are counting. Call out a number from 1 to 10 and have your child find it on the number line. Then ask your child what comes before the number and after the number.
Fewer and More
Tell your child a number between 1 and 10 and have them make a group that is fewer or more than that number.
Number Pairs: Review number pairs to 6. Show your child the card and see if they know what it makes.
Work on number pairs to 7 (cut up the cards and add them in) I Can Say My Number Pairs 7 | Math Song for Kids | Number Bonds | Jack Hartmann - YouTube
Do two number pair sheets for the week.
3D shapes
Student Log In ( (Class code is hnd6733 and they find their name) If you child would like to read some more books at their level click on the GRL tab and they can read some level books with assistance from you.
SplashLearn Sign In Class code: GBESWG Class password: picture of a Kiwi
Zorbit's Math Adventure ( username: colleen1140(student name and 1140) password: lion