Homework week of October 18th

Posted: October 18, 2021

Homework – Week of October 18th   

Every night have your child, read their books, work on a couple sight words, practices their letters and tracing their letters in their ABC book.  Then pick a couple other activities.  

Splash math, squiggle park, and epic books are great homework websites. Splash math (class code: GBESWG; password Kiwi) Epic Books (Class code is hnd6733 then find their name) 


Speaking and listening 

 Read a story to your child and ask them questions. Example: What was your favorite part? What happened at the beginning/end of the story? 


The class is now sign up for epic books if you are looking for books to read to your child.  Student Log In (getepic.com) (Class code is hnd6733 and they find their name) 



Have your child read the new books.  Make sure your child in pointing to each word. If you child would like to read some new books login into epic books the code is above and below. Click on the GRL tab and they can read some A level books with assistance from you. 


Student Log In (getepic.com) (Class code is hnd6733 and they find their name) 



Play ABC Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36IBDpTRVNE 

Work on learning letter NnOo,  and Pp this week (The following are some songs for the letters if your child is having trouble remember the name.) 


Letter Tracing ABC book 

Each night have your child say the name of each letter and trace it in their ABC book.  Make sure they are watching the arrows and starting at the dot.  When they know most of the names of the letter’s students can start saying the letter name and sound both before they trace the letter. 



Practice printing their ABC. (New sheet sent home) Make sure they are holding the dry erase marker the right way.   


Sight word  

Level A words – a , I, am, at, can, go, is, like, me, see, the, to 

Level B words – dad, he, in, it, look, mom, my, on, up, we 



Working on counting: 

Draw a number line from 1 to 10 for your child 

Practice counting forwards and backwards and have your child point to the number on the number line while they are counting 

Call out a number from 1 to 10 and have your child find it on the number line. Then ask your child what comes before the number and after the number. 

Fewer and More 

Have your child roll two dotted dice.  Say the amount on each dice and then get them to tell you which one is fewer, and which one is more. 

Splash Math 

I have assigned a couple activities on this website. SplashLearn Sign In 

Class code: GBESWG   Class password: picture of a Kiwi 

Number 6 (this week we are working on number 6) 

Subitizing (Student should be able to look at a small set and know how many)