Home Learning October 12th

Posted: October 12, 2021

Home learning October 12th

Speaking and Listening / Reading

Read a story to your child and ask them questions. Example: What was your favorite part? What happened at the beginning/end of the story? 


Listen to a story on https://www.storylineonline.net

Do your calendar on www.starfall.com



We are working on letter Ee

Listen to letter E song  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMLtpWCdBeY

Have students practice printing letter Ee and draw something that begins with the letter E.  If you have Playdoh or Lego they can build the letter Ee. 

Play ABC Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36IBDpTRVNE 

Letter Tracing ABC book: Trace the letters in their ABC book.  Have your child say the letter name and animal name. Make sure they are watching the arrows and starting at the dot. 



Practice printing the letters we have covered in class Aa, Bb, Cc, and Dd. Make sure they are using proper pencil grip.  


Draw a picture of something you did on Thanksgiving weekend and tell someone about your picture.



Patterns – have your child explain to you what a pattern is.  Have them create a pattern with items at home or have them draw you a pattern on paper.

This week we were going to move on from patterns and begin numbers (we are working on number 1).

Listen to Can Show the Number 1 in Many Ways  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJMfmGU4VMY| and practice printing number 1.  ========================================================================