Home Learning - Week of April 13

Posted: April 13, 2020


Home Learning April 13th


Dear Parents and Students,                                                                  


Happy Easter!  Hope the Easter Bunny found everyone, and you are safe and cozy at home.  Here are some home learning ideas for the week. Remember, go at your place, and complete only what you can.


Reading :

-      Each day:

-      Razkids-check outwebsite as I have set our class up and was able to assign books at your reading level. Please contact me if you feel the books assigned are too easy or too difficult and I can adjust.

-      Go tohttp://www.kidsa-z.com: kids login, select your name, and choose the rabbit symbol, and select a book to read.

(I have copied the link in the ‘web link’ tab of my teacher page for you to access.  I have also included instructions for username and password to access). 


Read Aloud:


-        Each day this week, choose a book from ‘tumble books’ website: http://wellandlibrary.ca/eresources/digital-media/tumblebooks/ , and just click Tumble BooKs Library picture.


-        or storylineonline:   https://www.storylineonline.net/, to listen to a read  aloud (I have copied the links in the ‘web link’ of my teacher page for you to access).



-        Ask an adult in your house to read a storybook  to you:)  Don’t be afraid to start a chapter book. The boys and girls have become great listeners!


Spelling Words:

-        Spelling List- practice these words :

-        low, bow, slow, show, snow, crow, flow, follow, bowl, own


-        Discuss- patterns you see in words and talk about blends/sounds you hear at the beginning and end of words)


-        Rainbow Writing:

-         Copy your word list on a piece of paper, using a pencil.

-        Trace over your words 4 times each, using a different color each time

-        Example, print:      in pencil, then trace over the same word in red, then blue, then green, yellow. Move on and repeat with next word until you’ve created a masterpiece with your list.


-        Spelling Test- Have an adult call out your word list on Friday




-        Personal Narrative/ Recount- Write a recount piece of writing, describing a visit from the Easter Bunny this past weekend, or a memory of your choice (ie: a walk outside, a fun activity you you’ve done since we’ve last seen eachother).

-        Remember to include :


-hook to grab the reader’s attention : a sound, a question, a strong feeling  (example: I absolutely love Easter Egg hunts!)

-topic sentence: who what where when why (example: The Easter Bunny came to deliver eggs to my house, this weekend)

-transition words: first, next, then, after that, finally- or if you can think of more interesting transition words, even though you don’t have your writing binder

-details (First, I woke up. Detail: I hardly slept a week all night because I was so excited!)



-        Iknowit.com: I have set the class up on a new math website: https://www.iknowit.com/my-homepage.html

-        Assignments : This website allows me to assign you assignments. Please let me know if you are experiencing difficulty with anything you are assigned and I can adjust. There are 5 assignments for this week, but please remember, so at your own pace and only what you have time for.

-        To acces:

- Login (top right corner)

-Class Code; KaraWilson2020

-Username: first name and first initial (example: LoganD)

          -Password: King2

          -Click on any assginments to get started!



Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact me: kara.wilson@nbed.nb.ca