Wednesday, October 13th 2021

Posted: October 13, 2021

Good morning everyone!

I hope you had a good day at home learning in our new way for these couple of days. I was pleased to see several of you had logged onto Splash Learn and did some math activities yesterday.  Great work!!

For today you can choose a different writing/math sheet from the packet if you haven't already completed them and/or go online to do some Splash Learn activities or you can choose the following:

WorkWork/Writing:    Print the letters of alphabet down your page. Now next to each letter try to think of a word that begins with each letter for something you can find around your house (inside or outside).

Reading:  Read aloud to someone or to yourself for 15 mins. Try to make predictions as to what might happen next while you read.  If you have no books at your level, you can listen to someone read aloud to you.

I have also put the weblink for Tumblebooks on my teacher page just below this message. 


1.   Create a chart:   Even Numbers     Odd Numbers

Now place these numbers under the correct heading:    23   328    266    129   431   66    284    437

2. Review ways to show a number...for each number in standard form show how it can be made in written form, expanded form, and by drawing the base ten blocks.

              266           321        175          98

3.  Skip count backwards by 10s starting at  96

     Skip count backwards by 10s starting at  178

Don't forget you can check out Splash learn again too!

I hope you all have a great day.

Mrs. MacDonald