Home Learning Nov. 4

Posted: November 4, 2021

Good Thursday morning kindergarten!


Today, continue to use the Virtual Daily schedule to help you along throughout the day. Please continue to work on your choice board that was posted on Monday.


Language Arts:

Listen to a story on www.storylineonline.net

Do your calendar on www.starfall.com


Please keep working on printing your name and learning the letters in your name.

·       Continue to work on learning the sounds the letters make:

·       Review the letter names and sounds 


·       Review our Zoo-phonics letter/sounds 



Can you draw and label something that starts with the first letter in your name?  For example, I could draw a spider, because my name starts with the letter S.



Continue to work on subitizing:

·       Subitize: To subitize is to identify the number of things in a set simply by quickly looking at them—not by counting them one by one. Student should be able to look at a small set and know how many.

·       Watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KJmzKhKuVo

·       Listen to these songs

o   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSlA-u_ABmU

o   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yyz_OycV4A

o   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UH8rLym53sw

·       Roll a dotted dice and have your child quickly say the amount without counting. 

·       Games online

o   https://toytheater.com/five-frame/

o   https://www.nctm.org/Classroom-Resources/Illuminations/Interactives/Five-Frame/


Practice your cutting skills!  Have an adult draw some lines and shapes onto a piece of paper and then practice cutting them out, staying on the lines.


Please do not feel that you must do everything that has been suggested. These are just some ideas that may help you with home learning. Do the best you can! I really appreciate every effort! Thank you for all you are doing!