Posted: January 21, 2022
What sound do the blend of letters make?
“au”, “eau”, “ot” “op” “os” Makes the sound “o”, “oh!”
Find the song “Olivia Sauterelle” or “Pauline Sauterelle” on YouTube and your child can sing along with the song and listen to it a few times. Try to find the words that have the sound “O” with letter blends o, au, eau.
Olivia, sauterelle, saute, autour, auto, oh,
What are some other words that you know have the same sound?
eau au bateau château moto autobus mot trop gros beau maillot de bain drapeau héro chaussettes vélo ciseaux manteau | water to boat castle motorbike bus word too much big nice bathing suit flag hero socks bike scissors jacket |
…and maybe there are more or different suggestions from you child!
Perhaps your child may like to make up their own matching game and draw the pictures to go with the different words and sound blends.