Home learning fo December 15, 2021

Posted: December 15, 2021

Due Date: 

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

1. French reading 15 min (guided level books or Je lis, je lis website) https://jelis.rkpublishing.com/student

2. Math (30 min.): Splash Learn or study multiplication facts 0-5

3. Spelling words: 1. Noël  2. guirlande  3. la neige  4. dehors  5. l'hiver  6. un lutin  7. un sapin  8. une boule de Noël

*They can choose an activity of their choice to practice the words

4. Écriture: Write about what are you going to do or want to do during the Holidays (in French).

Ex: Pendant mes vacances de Noël, je vais jouer dehors avec mes amis. J'espère qu'il va avoir de la neige. .....


Please bring Santa hat and dress Sunday best tomorrow, Thursday Dec. 16th. Please bring in Secret Santa gift as well.

Friday will be our Christmas party. Students can come to school in pjs and we will also exchange our Secret Santa. 

Have a great day!

Mme Glazier ;)