Mme. Glazier


Posted: June 12, 2024

Best day ever according to a few students. Ha!

1. lecture 15 min.

2. Gym clothes and sneakers Tues. Wed. Thurs.

3. Study multiplication tables

4. Wed. Kouchibouguac Field Trip

5. Gr. 5 Banquet Thursday

6. Track and Field Day Monday June 17

*Please check your emails. Sent out more details this morning regarding this weeks events. 

Have a great week!

Mme Glazier ;)

Due Date: 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Posted: June 4, 2024

1. lecture 15 min.

2. Math : Please continue to study multiplications. We are now practicing long divisions and a lot of students do not know their facts. You can also practice long divisions with your child at home.

Have a great week!

Mme Glazier ;)

Due Date: 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

1. lecture 15 min.

2. Math: keep studying multiplication facts.

3. Facts-a-thon results going home today

4. Book Fair: Students can bring money if they wish to buy something at the book Fair. We will be going tomorrow May 28th.

Have a great day!

Mme Glazier ;)

Due Date: 

Monday, May 27, 2024

1. Lecture 15 min.

2. Fact-A-Thon sheets went home with a pledge sheet. Students have their multiplication sheets to study in their red math duo-tang. They were asked to bring them home to study. We will do our quiz this Friday May 24 instead of May 22.

3. Grade 5s, if you haven't done email me a baby photo, please do by the end of this week.

4. Grade 4 math quiz to be signed

5. Please send $2 with your child for Friday's play at JMH.


Have a great week!

Mme Glazier ;)

Due Date: 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Posted: May 15, 2024

1. Lecture en français every night 15 min.

2. Math: Please continue to practice multiplications facts. Gr. 5s have a provincial math assessment end of May. 

3. Friday May 24th, we will be walking to JMH for a play. We ask for $2.00 from students to cover half of the price. 

4. Health class: A Mental Health sheet went home with students Monday. Just read over.

5. Science/Sc .Studys: Gr. 4s will be starting Rocks and Minerals Unit. Gr. 5s will be starting the systems in the body.

Have a great week!

Mme Glazier ;)

Due Date: 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

*Students are asked to bring in a twoonie for tomorrow. We will be walking to Dr. Losier to watch play.

1. lecture 15 min.

2. Math: Study multiplication 

No school for Thursday and Friday

Have a great week!

Mme Glazier ;)

Due Date: 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Posted: April 23, 2024

Since we didn't get a chance to clean up the school grounds yesterday for Earth Day, students picked up garbage today. Bravo les amis! 

Posted: April 18, 2024

Please make sure your child studies their multiplication facts. Any incomplete math in class will be sent home. 

Grade 4s will soon be learing divisions.

Grade 5s will have a Provincial Math Assessment in May.

Due Date: 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Thank you to Dr. Harebottle for teaching our class on dental hygiene amd for the gifts. Students and I learned so much! 


Image Galleries

Added: Wed, Jun 12 2024


Added: Mon, Nov 21 2022
Flying balloon-Siobhan’s group
Race- flying balloon
Flying balloon-Tessa’s group
