Posted: February 17, 2022
Mrs. Comeau would like all Music Festival forms and money in by February 22.
Posted: February 17, 2022
Mrs. Comeau would like all Music Festival forms and money in by February 22.
Posted: February 1, 2022
I sent out the book orders today and forgot to write our class code: RC206763
Posted: January 27, 2022
We are almost done the week! :)
Please continue to work on your worksheets from the 2 packages. There are still some iat the main doors if you wish to pick them up.
I will also have a Teams meeting today and tomorrow at 10:00.
Have a great day!
Mme Glazier ;)
Posted: January 10, 2022
Hey guys,
Just a little reminder, home learning will start tomorrow. Since my packages will only be ready for pick up tomorrow (9:00-3:00), your child can learn online for now. I've assigned fractions to Splash Learn. Please watch what is a fraction video first (link in weblink tab). Your child can also continue to read on Je lis, je lis website.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I will continue to communicate on here, via emails and Facebook messenger.
Mme Glazier ;)
Posted: December 13, 2021
Please make sure your child brings a Santa Hat for tomorrow's recording.
Posted: October 20, 2021
Parent, please check your emails for tomorrow's outdoo Science class. Student will need digging tools, spoons andgloves.
Mme Glazier :)
Posted: March 30, 2021
1. Just a reminder our class will be recording for the Music Festival tomorrow Wednesday March 31th. They can dress in their Sunday best!
2.No school Friday and Monday
Happy Easter!
Mme Glazier :)
Posted: January 14, 2021
My students will be able to wear their pyjamas tomorrow for a District reading challenge. ;)
Posted: November 4, 2020
Please click on the link below in order to see the November Reading Club Flyer from Scholastic.
My class code is :RC206763
Posted: November 3, 2020
Mrs. Comeau, our music teacher, would like students in my class to dress into their Sunday best this Thursday Nov. 5th as they will be the flag carriers for our remembrance day ceremony. It will be done virtually. This will also be posted on the King St. Facebook page.
Have a great day!
Mme Glazier ;)
Posted: May 18, 2020
Here is the link that our School District is having to the Virtual Olympics of Track and Field and other athletic events that you can track. Please put in your scores for our school to win! Wouldn't that be awesome!
Posted: February 3, 2020
1. lecture 15 min (guided reading books)
2. Math: Continue to study multiplication facts. Quiz on Friday
3. Skating tomorrow Tuesday Feb. 4
4. math quizes (3) to be signed in their test duo-tang
5. black light show memo was sent home tonight (show is 19 @6:00. Students must arrive by 5:15)
Have a great week!
Mme Glazier ;)
Posted: January 28, 2020
1. lecture 15 min (guided reading books)
2. Math: We are currently in Chapter 3 -Multiplications and Divisions. I strongly suggest students continue to practice their times tables up to 10. They will be quized every Friday!
3. Reading Challenge: Students can wear their pyjamas and bring a "stuffy" to school Friday for our reading challenge.
Have a great week!
Mme Glazier ;)
Posted: January 13, 2020
1. lecture 15 min
2. Continue to practice multiplication facts
3. Skating tomorrow (Jan. 14) Please bring helmets and skates!
4. Math quiz on patterns Friday (students can go over what we've done in class) Chapter 1
Have an awesome week!
Mme Glazier ;)
Posted: January 8, 2020
Book order due next Thursday January 16th.
Please continue to practice multiplication facts every night. Students have a sheet in their math duo-tang they can study with.