Posted: January 7, 2020
Happy New Year's!
1. lecture 15 min
2. pratiquer les multiplications 0-3
A new cafeteria menu was sent out today!
Scholastic book order went out today. I did not receive any French ones yet.
Have a great week!
Mme Glazier ;)
Posted: January 7, 2020
Happy New Year's!
1. lecture 15 min
2. pratiquer les multiplications 0-3
A new cafeteria menu was sent out today!
Scholastic book order went out today. I did not receive any French ones yet.
Have a great week!
Mme Glazier ;)
Posted: December 18, 2019
*Reminder we will be having our class breakfast and exchange gifts in our classroom Friday Dec. 20th. Students can wear their pjs.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Years! ;)
Posted: December 13, 2019
1. No homework this week!
2. Tomorrow Dec. 17 grade 4 Hosford and 4/5 Keenan will be holding a Christmas Market. Students can bring in money to purchase items that their students have created and their selling. Prices are no more then $5,00 per item. This is a great Chritmas shopping opportunity. A portion of their money will be going to the Food Bank. Please bring in small change.
3. Our class will be exchanging our Christmas gifts Friday and students can wear pyjamas to school as well. We will also be having a class breakfast, where all students must bring in an item. I will be sending a memo home regarding this activity.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Posted: December 12, 2019
Students in my class can wear their pyjamas to school tomorrow since they have earned enough points.
Have a great weekend,
Mme Glazier ;)
Posted: December 10, 2019
Grade 4s and 5s have a math sheet to complete for Friday. ;)
Posted: December 9, 2019
1. lecture 15 min
2. Math quiz Friday on -forme symbolique, forme décomposé, matériel de base 10, tableau de valeur de position
Gr. 4 can study from math book pages 35-39 (they already worked on this in the class)
Gr. 5 study pages 44-46 (they already worked on this in the class)
*Monday night math Gr. 4 only page 40 #4, 5 (for students who have not finish in class)
We started in Science and I asked students to bring in empty toilet paper rolls, empty paper towel rolls, marbles, etc for the final project a Rube Goldberg machene approx. in February-March.
Christmas concert for Grades 3-5 is @ 1:00.
Have a great week!
Mme Glazier ;)
Posted: December 2, 2019
Dear parents/guardians,
I am very excited to be back from my maternity leave. I will be posting weekly homework, photos, videos etc, on this page. Please check it out regularly.
1. lecture 15 min.
2. memos sent home
3. secret santa sheets due Friday
4. skating tomorrow Dec. 3rd. Please bring a helmet and skates.
Have a great week!
Mme Glazier ;)
Posted: June 15, 2018
Students are reminded to bring in a rock for next Monday. For better quality, we do not want sandstone. A hard river stone will work best.
Have a great weekend!
Mme Glazier ;)
Posted: June 14, 2018
Posted: February 22, 2018
-Our ski trip will be next Tuesday Feb. 27. We will leave at 9:30 and be back around 12:30. Please make sure your child has a bag lunch as we will not be back in time to eat in the cafeteria.
-We are also looking for volunteers to help out! ;)
Mme Glazier et Mme Robichaud
Posted: January 25, 2018
Please pass along message to our class parents: no skiing tomorrow. Weather forecast is for a windchill of -27. Rescheduling for *hopefully* Monday. Stay tuned!
Posted: December 6, 2017
Class pictures tomorrow!:)
Posted: December 4, 2017
1. lecture 15 minutes
2. Math: study math facts 0-5 quiz Friday
3. skating for all grade 5's Wednesday. Please make sure your child has skates and a helmet.
* Black light show will be tomorrow night for the public @ 6:30. Please make sure your child is there for 5:30.
* Form for the movie night /babysitting is due this Wed.
Have a great week!
Mme Glazier
Posted: December 1, 2017
Please do not forget your blacklight clothing for Monday's practice.