Homework for the week of December 9-13

Posted: December 9, 2019

1. lecture 15 min

2. Math quiz Friday on -forme symbolique, forme décomposé, matériel de base 10, tableau de valeur de position 

Gr. 4 can study from math book pages 35-39 (they already worked on this in the class)

Gr. 5 study pages 44-46 (they already worked on this in the class)

*Monday night math Gr. 4 only page 40 #4, 5 (for students who have not finish in class)


We started  in Science and I asked students to bring in empty toilet paper rolls, empty paper towel rolls, marbles, etc for the final project a Rube Goldberg machene approx. in February-March.

Christmas concert for Grades 3-5 is @ 1:00. 

Have a great week!

Mme Glazier ;)