Homework for the week of Dec. 11-15

Posted: December 11, 2023

Due Date: 

Monday, December 11, 2023

1. Lecture 15 min. 

2. Math: Math quiz Thursday on adding and subtracting with borrowing, 3-4 digits numbers by 3-4 digits numbers. We will soon start patterns.

3. School Christmas Concert: K-2 Dec. 12th @ 9:00. Grades 3-5 Dec. 12th @ 1:00

4. Secret Santa went home today. Gifts are to be brought back December 20th. 

5. Please bring back report card enveloppes. 

6. Dec. 15th: We will be going to the airport. Also, students who are available will be going Kin Center for 5:45.

7. Please return all Public Library books either to the Chatham library or I can drop them off. We will not be going until the Spring.


Mme Glazier ;)