Posted: April 13, 2020
Home Learning Week 2: April 14-17th
We hope you all had a great Easter at home with your loved ones! We enjoyed spending time with our families but we miss you all very much. Below you will find your home learning for this week. Remember to try your best. J
Literacy: We hope you are enjoying your Raz Kids accounts. We have been watching your progress and you are all doing great! You each have 2 new assigned nonfiction books for this week. Don’t forget to do the quiz at the end. J
Go to:
Password: grade5 (for everyone)
1. Study your math facts.
Mrs. Richardson's Class: Please focus on Fact Families of 7 &11.
Mrs. Keenan’s Class: Please focus on Fact Families of 4 & 5.
2. We have set you all up on the website I know It is a great math site to practice and learn with. We have assigned you two tasks for this week. Both tasks are review: multiplication fact drills and word problems. Try your best! Feel free to browse the site as well. J
User Name: Your name
Password: king
Code: keenan2020
*XanderC for Xander Cassidy
*XanderM for Xander MacDonald
*LiamP for Liam Pyne
* Read something every day! This can be a book (picture book or working on a chapter book), magazine, newspaper, video game instructions.
* Be active! Put down your electronics and PLAY. Play outside in your room, with your toys, games, cards. Just PLAY!
* Use your imagination! The best things happen when you let yourself become bored and your imagination takes over!