Mme. Richardson

Mme Richardson's Grade 5

Posted: November 12, 2024


Fri, Nov 15/24 8:00 am

Posted: November 12, 2024


Fri, Nov 15/24 8:00 am

Just a reminder that there will be no school on Nov. 15th (full day)  as teachers will be working on report cards.

Posted: October 19, 2023


Thu, Oct 26/23 9:00 am

Today is our official show day. We will be at JMH again, all day. please send water bottles, snacks and a bagged lunch. We will be performing for an audience in the morning and the afternoon! Our show for the public will be at 6:30 pm. Please have your child at JMH by 5:45. The doors to the theatre won't be open until approximately 6:15. The cost is a donation at the door If you are ablle to. All donations go back into our beautiful music program at KSE. There will also be a 50/50 draw. We can't wait for you to see what your little darlings have been working on!  

Posted: October 19, 2023


Thu, Oct 26/23 9:00 am

Today is our official show day. We will be at JMH again, all day. please send water bottles, snacks and a bagged lunch. We will be performing for an audience in the morning and the afternoon! Our show for the public will be at 6:30 pm. Please have your child at JMH by 5:45. The doors to the theatre won't be open until approximately 6:15. The cost is a donation at the door If you are ablle to. All donations go back into our beautiful music program at KSE. There will also be a 50/50 draw. We can't wait for you to see what your little darlings have been working on!  

Posted: October 19, 2023


Wed, Oct 25/23 9:00 am

We will be at JMH all day for our dress rehearsalfor the Black light show.  A bus will take us there after O'Canada. Please make sure you get your child to school on time; otherwise you will have to drop him/her off at JMH yourself as the bus won't be going back to the school for another trip. It is imperative that they have water bottles, snacks and bagged lunches as we won't have access to a cafeteria or cups for water. 

Posted: October 19, 2023

I sent a memo home on Wednesday with information for the black light show. It had a part for you to fill out and detach to send back to me so I know whether your child can make it to the night show or not. please send that back asap. I am also requesting that you send their black light clothes in as well. That way they wil already be at the school for the practice on Wednesday. Please put them in a bag with their name on it. 

Posted: October 19, 2023

I would like to take my class outside a little more than they would typically be out to do some classes in nature. Please ensure that they wear the appropriate footwear to go outside. It's been a little chillier than usual. If you send it, I will make sure they wear it! 


Thanks for your continued support! 

Posted: September 25, 2023


Mon, Sep 25/23 2:14 pm

The cafeteria will be offering a Special Thanksgiving Meal on Thursday, Oct. 5th. There will be turkey, potatoes, dessert and milk for $8. There will be no other items offered on that day (aside from sweet treats and beverages). 

A form went home today. Please fill it in and send it back by Friday, Sept. 29th. Thank you!

Posted: September 25, 2023


Mon, Sep 25/23 2:13 pm

Wednesay, September 27th, 2023 is picture day for the students in grades 3-5. 

Posted: September 18, 2023

We have phys. ed every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Students are expected to change into gym clothes in grade 5. Deodorant use is also recommended. Please do not send Axe spray of any type please as it is a scent free building (and it gives me migraines). Thank you for your support.


Upcoming Events

Image Galleries

Added: Mon, Sep 27 2021


Daily Schedule from Jan. 17th, 2022 to Jan. 28th, 2022
Home Learning June 1st to June 5th
Home Learning May 25- May 29
Home learning May 19-22