Mme. Richardson

Mme Richardson's Grade 5

Posted: April 13, 2020

Mrs. Keenan and I would like to wish all of you a very Happy Easter! 

Posted: April 6, 2020

Please check out the 4/5 Keenan, Hosford and Richardson Home Learning Facebook page. 

Posted: April 6, 2020

This is a great site to practice different math skills. 

Posted: April 6, 2020

Here are some pictures of Emmett and Chevy during their time at home! 

Posted: April 6, 2020

Grade 4/5 – Keenan & Richardson


Home Learning


Hello Grade 4/5! We just want to start off by saying that we miss you all and that we hope you and your families are doing well. The following are some activities that you can choose from to keep up with school work at home. You can choose for yourself which activities and what order you would like to work on them. Some may take you a few days to work on, so you don’t need to complete every item listed all at once. Try your best and be kind to each other while you are at home.


Literacy: Your task this week will be two different reading passages with a little comprehension quiz afterward. We set each of you up with an account for Raz-Kids. Once you sign in, scroll down to assessments and begin. Your teacher will be able to monitor your work and quizzes online. Happy Reading!


Grade 5- You are all assigned under Mrs. Maggie Murphy


Grade 4- You are all assigned under Mrs. Richardson


Go to:


Username for grade 5 students is 5Keenan


Usersname for grade 4 students is Natalie2020


Password: grade5 (for everyone)




** Grade 4’s can look to Mrs. Hosford’s Teacher Page as well for their Math work but feel free to do what is listed below.**


Math: Your task this week will be to study your math facts.


1.) Practice daily, writing your facts out. Try your hardest not to look at the answer.


2.) Get someone in your house to ask you the facts. Make a game of it and put a timer on.


3.) Product War Game: Deck of cards needed.


-Remove Kings and Jacks (ace =1, queen =0)


-Split the deck equally.


-Each player turns over 2 cards and says the product of their numbers. The person with the greater product wins and takes all the cards.


-Play until the cards run out. The player with the most cards wins.


-You can also play using addition or subtraction.


Mrs. Richardson Class: Please focus on Fact Families of 8 & 9.


Mrs. Keenan’s Class: Please focus on Fact Families of 3 and 6.

Due Date: 

Monday, April 6, 2020

Posted: October 9, 2019

If you read this message, please send in a note with regards to your child's favourite colour and sign it (and add a smiley face). If it comes in signed, I will give them two papillons each. 

Posted: October 9, 2019

1. Please remember that all students must read for 15 minutes and fill in his or her reading log every night. 

2. Please check your child's yellow duotang every night as there may be a memo in it from the school! STUDENTS ARE ABLE TO TAKE ONE FREE NIGHT OF NO HOMEWORK PER WEEK!

3.Please remember to send in the red Math duotang on Friday.

4. Students must study their Math Facts. Please take advantage of Math Reflex (I sent all of the information home) as this is a great site to become fluent with their facts.

Due Date: 

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Posted: October 9, 2019


Wed, Oct 23/19 2:00 am

Posted: September 23, 2019

Students are reading their first assigned French book in class today! I am so proud of all of my students! 

Posted: September 17, 2019

Tomorrow is the special meal in the cafeteria. 

Picture day is on Friday for grades 3-5.


Image Galleries

Added: Mon, Sep 27 2021