Rock & Roll Math

Posted: November 4, 2021

Go outside and gather a BIG pile of rocks. Rocks not popular around your home? Use small sticks/branches instead.


  • Count your rocks.
  • Then skip count! Grade 3: count by 3's and 5's. Grade 4's: count by 3's and 4's.
  • Place your rocks in order from largest/longest to smallest.
  • Place them end to end. Find an object that's approximately the same length.
  • Divide your rocks in two piles (half). Then divide then into four equal piles (fourths).
  • Create a pattern with your rocks. 
  • Make a creative design using only your rocks. A picture? A mandala? Your pick! Take a picture to share your design with me.
  • If each rock was worth 10 dollars, how much are your rocks worth? What about 10 cents?


PDF icon rock_and_roll_numeracy_.pdf2.85 MB