Homework April 23-27

Posted: April 24, 2018

Due Date: 

Saturday, April 28, 2018


  • Write French book title in agenda.  Read for 10 minutes. or Au Royaume des Sons website that some students have.
  • Go on our class website and Math Reflex.  5 minutes.
  • Have your agenda signed.
  • $3 for Into the Woods please

*Gym clothes & deodorant for Wed, Thurs & Friday*

  • MON(23): Last week's Montre ce que tu sais being sent home
  • TUES (24): SH Test, Special Meal in Cafeteria, Lean-to building @9am
  • WED (25): 1/2 day for students, SH Test sent home to be signed
  • THURS (26): Science Test (open book), Montre ce que tu sais (Math)
  • FRI (27): Into the Woods @JMH