Posted: June 8, 2018
Due Date:
Saturday, June 16, 2018
- 15 minutes of Math Review - sample questions sent home Monday (due back signed Friday).
- Spell-a-thon: collect $ and study words, test on Friday!
- Have your agenda signed.
*Gym clothes & deodorant for Wed, Thurs & Friday*
- MON(11): FIELD TRIP TO CAMP SHELDRAKE!!! Bring a change of clothes and a packed lunch/water.
- TUES (12): Nacho meal in the cafeteria
- WED (13):
- THURS (14): Lobster tickets due, GRADE 5 student-only BANQUET (LUNCH PROVIDED)
- FRI (15):
OTHER IMPORTANT DATES TO NOTE: Spell-a-thon money due on June 18th, Track and Field Day Grades 3-5 @JMH June 19, Spell-a-thon Assembly June 20, STEM Egg Drop June 21, last day of school June 22.