Email April 16 2024

Posted: April 16, 2024

Hi folks!

Another week already!

Math: Students are asked to practice their Math facts for 5 minutes each night. This can include but not be limited to - flash cards, Splash Learn, roll dice/deck of cards (addition or multiplication), worksheets, practice questions etc.


Grade 4 families: check out our class website with a "new" way to divide that students have started practicing in class. Some students will be bringing a practice page home tomorrow and teaching YOU how to do a question on your own! Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary (


Summer French Programs: Many parents were asking about summer French programs on the Miramichi. Carrefour Beausoleil's library does have a GREAT selection of activities for free that you can attend. They also have a small tutoring program that's available too. From time to time I receive information of other tutors in the area and have attached one to this message. thumbnail_IMG_1116.jpg 


Gum: A couple students need to have gum as a strategy to help them concentrate in the classroom. It's been decided from a school and in conjunction with their parents. If any other parent feels like it may help their child, just send in a note. If it ever begins to become a problem, then the privilege/strategy is removed as it is no longer effective.


*Website pictures have been updated (sorry for the delay and lack of pictures)*


Weekly reminders

WED: KSE library day, recorder needed

THURS: gym clothes needed

FRI: gym clothes needed, David Myles virtual concert

MON: gym clothes needed