Posted: March 10, 2025
Just about mid-March already!
SNAP is in full swing every Tuesday. Spell-a-thon lists will be coming out Wednesday after the assembly. Students will be practicing words in class and at home. Students will be tested next Wednesday (March 19th). Mme Catherine is back in our class. She will be taking selected students to boost their reading skills, selected students to help with Math and selected students as an enrichment opportunity with Science. We're wrapping up our unit on fractions. They have a page in their homework to share their skills!
Don't forget to take a peek at our class webpage for fun pictures from our Winter Carnival! Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary All for now!
Reminders for the week:
TUES: Recorder needed, SNAP day!
WED: Spell-a-thon list going home, Recorder needed
FRI: Library day!