Home-learning Nov 1 (Monday)

Posted: November 1, 2021

Here we go!

Sticking to a routine is best for the students but, we can only do what we can do! If you need anything at all, just reach out and I’m here to support you, your child or anyone helping your child through this home learning experience.

I fully understand some students will be able to complete more than others. I’ve placed a * on the learning activities that are priority. Hope this helps! All links are found on our class website. Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary (nbed.nb.ca) and login information in the back of their agenda.


WORD WORK – “Le mot du jour" in Covid Pack. Complete chaud and soleil.

*FRENCH READING* – Website “Je lis, je lis”. Listen to the book, practice reading aloud and record the book. I can listen and send a voice note back on what to work on etc. Je lis, je lis, littératie ! ONLINE (rkpublishing.com)

LALILO – website for students to help with sound recognition and sentence composition. Use code XZBYHB. Only available during school hours. Lalilo | Interface élève

MATH – Grade 4: work in your covid Math sheets (either pack) for 15-20 minutes. I would suggest lesson 3.4 PW13 #23-30. Grade 3 – complete the following questions from the pack (PW2 #1-14, PW6 #1-10, PW7 #1-8,16-19).

*MATH* - Splashlearn for 20ish minutes. They have an assignment waiting for them to complete. SplashLearn Student Sign In

MATH – Most students have a zorbit login to work away at their own pace. Zorbit's Math Adventure (zorbitsmath.com)

*CANDY MATH* - For this students will need their Trick or Treating candy (what’s left! Haha). Sort your candy in groups with all the cheesies in a pile, plain chips in a pile, candy bars according to flavour etc. Solve the following problems. Send me a picture of you with your fingers showing the question number next to your answer :

·        Question #1: Which type of treat is the least popular?

·        Question #2: Which type of treat is the most popular?

·        Question #3: Which two treats can be combined together to give you the total of the most popular treat? Closest to the total is also acceptable if you can’t find the exact number.

·        Question #4: Pick your favourite treat.

o   Grade 3’s – Start at 100, count by two’s for each favourite treat you have. Write down the final number you said then take your picture.

o   Grade 4’s – Start at 1200, count by three’s for each favourite treat you have. Write down the final number you said then take your picture.

·        Question #5: Take 5 small candy bars and place them in a line. Find another object in your home that is approximately 5 small candy bars long.


*OUTSIDE EXPLORATORY* - Go outside and write the word “le 1 novembre”. Use any means you’d like – chalk, sticks, foggy window etc. Take a picture and send it my way.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION – Check out Mr Williston’s page for his ideas on your gym class today. Mr. Williston & Ms. McFarlane (Phys. Ed.) | King Street Elementary (nbed.nb.ca)



Have fun. I can’t wait to see your pictures!