Home-learning Nov 10 (Wednesday)

Posted: November 9, 2021

BONNE FETE HELENA!!!!!! If you have a chance, please reach out to Helena to wish her a happy birthday!

Most home-learning packs have either been picked up or delivered. We will slowly be starting to use these. Please place all completed work in the zip lock bag labeled "Pour Mme R". All paperwork is to be returned at the end of .... "this".




  • Continue saving 2L milk cartons for our return (garden activity)
  • Flyers/newspapers to use on Friday


Home-learning for Wednesday, Nov 10th

KING STREET REMEMBERS - Mrs Comeau created an awesome slideshow. Please watch this virtual ceremony. King Street Remembers | King Street Elementary (nbed.nb.ca)



LA PAIX C'EST - here are some examples that students may use or come up with their own (l'amour, le respect, écouter, nécessaire, siliencieuse, courageuse). They are to choose a word and colour the page.

WORD WORK – word search with French Remembrance day words (at back of Green Duatang)

LE MOT DU JOUR EST... - The word of the day is soldier. They give a definition, draw a picture, it's a NOM, it's MASCULIN, write a sentence, 5 words to describe a soldier and a word in French that rhymes with soldat (a sound at end).


MATH- Complete 15 minutes of splashlearn. There's likely an assignment waiting if you haven't been on lately. SplashLearn Student Sign In 


EXPLORATORY -  OPTION 1)Go for a walk in downtown Chatham or Newcastle and look at lamp post decorations in honour of our veterans. Are any of them your relatives? Do you recognize any names? Walk over to Elm Park (near the Library). Look at the display in Remembrance of our veterans. Take a moment to think about what it would have been like.




OPTION 2) Call an elderly relative (grandparent, great-aunt/uncle etc) and ask them about Remembrance Day. What stories/experiences do they have to share with you? Draw a picture, record a video or write a paragraph/a few sentences explaining what they said. Please send it to me via email.




OPTION 3) Go outside and collect 12 leaves.1/2 must be yellow, 1/4 must be red or orange and the rest must be brown. Place the 12 leaves in a line. Measure the length of the line. Choose 1 leaf. How many of these would you need to make 1 meter? Rake the biggest pile of leaves possible and do a slow-mo video of you as you ..... JUMP in the leaves! Feel free to send a picture or video of them to me!






Highway of Heroes by the Trews The Trews - Highway of Heroes - YouTube Lyrics only: Highway of Heroes - The Trews (Lyrics & Photos) - YouTube 

A Pittance of Time by Terry Kelly Terry Kelly - A Pittance of Time (Official Version) - YouTube 

We’ll Never Forget: We'll Never Forget Read Aloud - YouTube 

Sergeant Billy: Wildwood Wolves - Sergeant Billy: The True Story of the Goat Who Went to War | Facebook This is actually one of the Hackmatack books! 

The Bear Who Went to War: Alan Pollock reads the Bear who Went to War - YouTube 

A Poppy is to Remember: A Poppy is to Remember - YouTube

Le jour du souvenir (TFO): Mini TFO et le Jour du souvenir - YouTube
Le jour du souvenir / Remembrance Day (Historica Canada): Remembrance Day | jour du Souvenir - YouTube





 If they haven't already done so......

ENGLISH To note: Our typical week includes English for 2.5 hours/week.

Write a 5 paragraph description in English of someone you admire. If you’re unsure of the spelling, simply write down the word by sounding it out and circle it. To be completed by Wednesday. Example attached/on website. The five paragraphs should be as follows: 

  1. Introduction 
  2. Physical description 
  3. Personality, likes/dislikes 
  4. What makes them special 
  5. Conclusion 



Go on "Je lis, je lis". Je lis, je lis, littératie ! ONLINE (rkpublishing.com) 

- Click on the blue double speech bubble to hear my comments on books that have already been recorded. 

- Choose ONE new book to practice and record that one book by Friday. 

- On a piece of paper, write down the name of the book and any é/er/ez/ai words.   


Other Websites for Students to check out if they wish/have time: 


MATH – Most students have a zorbit login to work away at their own pace. Zorbit's Math Adventure (zorbitsmath.com)  

PHYSICAL EDUCATION – Check out Mr Williston’s page for gym class on MTh&F. Mr. Williston & Ms. McFarlane (Phys. Ed.) | King Street Elementary (nbed.nb.ca) 

MUSIC - Check out Mrs Comeau's page for music class on T&W. Mrs. E. Comeau (Music) | King Street Elementary (nbed.nb.ca)


LALILO – website for students to help with sound recognition and sentence composition. Use code XZBYHB. Only available during school hours. Lalilo | Interface élève