Posted: November 2, 2021
Thank you to those who reached out over the past few days. Every family circumstance is different and I appreciate all of you making the best decisions for your family and being honest with me in what the decision & struggles have been.
On with day 3 (Wednesday)!
As usual, most activities will remain similar from one day to the next including the priority activities and one exploratory activity which changes daily. All links are found on our class website. Mme. Robichaud | King Street Elementary ( and login information is in the back of their agenda.
Please be reminded that any "paper" home learning is asked to be returned to me either via email (pictures/scans) or the hardcopy when we get back to school. Thank you! With the online websites, I already have access to their progress.
WORD WORK – “Le mot du jour" in Covid Pack. Complete nager, plage and sable.
*FRENCH READING* – Website “Je lis, je lis”. Listen to a book, practice reading aloud and record the book. I can listen and send a voice note back on what to work on etc. Je lis, je lis, littératie ! ONLINE ( Click on the blue double speech bubble to hear my comments.
LALILO – website for students to help with sound recognition and sentence composition. Use code XZBYHB. Only available during school hours. Lalilo | Interface élève
MATH – Grade 4: work in your covid Math sheets (either pack) for 15-20 minutes. I would suggest lesson 3.4 PW13 #23-30. Grade 3 – complete the following questions from the pack (PW2 #1-14, PW6 #1-10, PW7 #1-8,16-19). Please note: these are the same questions assigned on Monday, November 1st. They are welcome to continue completing questions in this pack as they (and you) feel fit.
*MATH* - Splashlearn for 20ish minutes. They have an assignment waiting for them to complete. SplashLearn Student Sign In
MATH – Most students have a zorbit login to work away at their own pace. Zorbit's Math Adventure (
*MONEY MAKER* - Cash or debit? Counting money is a life skill that we sometimes take for granted in this debit/credit world. Students are no longer as money savvy as "when we were young". Let's change that!
- Count out the money in your Piggy Bank. Remember to group coins in piles of $1 to help you count out your money. Skip count the remainder when even dollars can't be formed. If you don't have a piggy bank, check out the picture attached and count one of my daughter's Piggy Bank. Ssshhhh!
- Make the following amounts using real money or drawing it out on paper. To note: in French the $ sign goes at the end of the amount and in English it goes at the beginning. Amounts to make: 75 cents, 95 cents, 1,40$ and 3,80$. Choose one amount and make it two different ways (ex. 25 cents could be one quarter, 5 nickels, or two dimes and a nickel - three different ways!).
- Challenge questions:
- If a cookie costs 75 cents and I have 4,00$. How many cookies can I buy? How much money would I have left?
- I have 6,00$ and bought the main meal (5,50$). Colleen gave me 5 coins. Which coins did she give me as change?
- I have 5,00$ and bought a treat (1,00$). Colleen gave me over 10 coins back. Which coins did she give me as change?
MUSIC – Check out Mrs Comeau’s page for her ideas on your music class today. Mrs. E. Comeau (Music) | King Street Elementary (