Memo March 1st from me

Posted: March 1, 2022

​Special Mealtomorrow! This was pre-ordered and was free. Nothing else available in the cafeteria tomorrow.
Homework: read book each night or Lalilo. If you're looking for extra books to read over the March break (7-11), please let me know.
Field Trip: We were supposed to go to the Ski Club but that's been cancelled due to weather conditions. Instead, we will be going to the Howard Street Outdoor rink on Friday afternoon and I'm buying everyone a hot chocolate to celebrate all their hard work. Students will need: skates & helmet, and outdoor gear. If you're able to join, please let me know. 
Work: Students have been wrapping things up learning about NB (Grade 3) and Canada (Grade 4). Tests will be on Friday. Here's what they will be about:
New Brunswick (Grade 3 students)
  • What is the capital?
  • Name 5 cities in NB.
  • Name the biggest lac.
  • Name some rivers (including the longest).
  • Name some mountains (including the heighest).
  • Activities/attractions in NB
Canada (Grade 4 students)
  • Name the provinces & territories and their capital.
  • Name some activities/attractions to do in various provinces.
  • Name the capital of Canada.
  • Name 5 of the bigger cities in Canada.
  • Oceans around Canada.