Posted: September 20, 2021
Happy Monday everyone!
Here are a few reminders/clarification specific to our class.....
- Gym is on M, Th & F and gym clothes are required on these days. Please have a bag for you child(ren) to use to help with the changing process.
- Reading Homework has been sent home today. Each child has a guided reading book in English and in French appropriate to their reading level. I ask that they read these books 2x/week for 10 minutes a session. Reading should be done ALOUD.
- Our class has picture day on THURSDAY. Sibling pictures will be done on retake day.
- Searching for egg cartons and plastic bags if you're looking to pass any along! These will be used for future projects and organization.
I'm super proud of your child(ren). With changes being made hourly they've all adapted REALLY well! They're happy, respectful and learning.
Should at any time you want to ask some questions or clarification, please reach out.
Until next time!