Home Learning Jan. 12th

Posted: January 12, 2022

Happy Wednesday Morning boys and girls! I hope everyday had a good day yesterday! It’s another chilly day out there today, but I hope you can get out for some fresh air sometime through out the day!

Soft Start; Choose an activity

  • Coloring
  • Building/Puzzle
  • A walk outside
  • Help cook breakfast

Literacy block:

Reading- Listen to reading; storyline online, tumble books or Epic has lots of books to choose from. All login information was sent home with the learning packets. If you have any books at home, please read them! 

Journal writing- I want you to try to do a procedural writing piece of your Christmas Break. In procedural writing you use the sentence starters “First, Next, Then, After that and Finally”. Include a nice sentence of your favourite part of the holiday, do you have a special tradition you do every Christmas, etc. Remember to start each sentence with a capital letter, and end with a punctuation (.?!). Please keep your writing pieces in the page protector so I can read them when we get back to school. Don’t forget to date your writing piece!   

Brain Break- Go onto youtube and search “would you rather winter break” Have fun and get moving!

Be sure to have a snack this morning!

Numeracy Block:

  • In the learning packet choose any two Math sheets to work on.  
  • Zorbits/Splashlearn – play for about 20 min: https://play.zorbitsmath.com/  www.splashlearn.com
  • Play a board game, or a card game with a family member.
  • Take a deck of cards, remove the J,Q,K cards. Flip over two cards (ex. 5,2 – say the number 52 and count on 5-10 numbers, 53,54,55,56 etc.)


Word Work:

  • Squiggle Park – 20 mins
  • In learning packet- choose a reading comprehension sheet. Read the story and complete the questions to go with it.

** Check out Mr. Williston and Mrs. McFarlane’s combined Phys Ed teacher page for some gym ideas today!

**Check out Mrs. Comeau’s teachers page for some music class ideas!

**Do the best you can!

**Please keep all your completed school work, and bring it back when we are back to school based learning.

**Please reach out if you have any questions/concerns!