Home Learning Jan. 21st

Posted: January 20, 2022

WE DID IT!!! Another week!! Give your parent/guardian a big hug and say thank you!! You guys are doing great!

Soft Start; Choose an activity

  • Coloring
  • Building/Puzzle
  • A walk outside
  • Help cook breakfast

Literacy block:

Reading- listen to a story on tumble books, EPIC, storyline online, or a book that you have at home.

Journal writing- Use this sentence starter; “I like school because…” you should be able to provide 3 reasons why you like school, in complete sentences!

Brain Break- Dress warm and get outside for some fresh air! Little chilly out there today! 

Numeracy Block: Zorbits/Splashlearn – play for about 20 min: https://play.zorbitsmath.com/  www.splashlearn.com

  • Play a board game with your family!!
  • Math Riddle: Email me your answer, and I will write your name down on a ticket for a prize when we return! I am an even number. If you count by 10s you’ll say my name. I am less than 35 and greater than 25. What am I?

Art: follow this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXP7siRUK3o “How to draw a polar bear skiing” or search on youtube; kids arthub – how to draw a polar bear skiing. Send me a picture of your drawing!

** Check out Mr. Williston and Mrs. McFarlane’s combined Phys Ed teacher page for some gym ideas today!

**Check out Mrs. Comeau’s teachers page for some music class ideas!

**Have a great weekend!!!!

**We have a birthday coming up! Who thinks they might know who’s birthday is this month?**