Posted: January 25, 2022
Keep up the fantastic work everyone! I am enjoying the pictures of the math riddle answers you are sending me! I miss you all and hope to see everyone soon!
It’s Brady’s birthday today!! Maybe make him a card, and we can give it to him when we return! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRADY!!!
Soft Start; Choose an activity
- Coloring
- Building/Puzzle
- A walk outside
- Help cook breakfast
Literacy block:
Reading- listen to a story on tumble books, EPIC, storyline online, or a book that you have at home.
Journal writing- “Tasty Tuesday” Describe the ultimate meal – be sure to add lots of detail!
Brain Break- Looks like a chilly morning to start off the day, but some fresh snow falling this afternoon! Be sure to get out for some fresh air!
Numeracy Block: Zorbits/Splashlearn – play for about 20 min:
- Do day 2, and addition/subtraction fact family add/subtract 2. If you did not pick up the new packets, choose 2 sheets in your learning packet to complete
- Practice putting numbers is order from smallest to biggest, then biggest to smallest. Use a deck of cards and take out the 10, J, Q, and K. Flip 2 cards to make a number (ex: flip 3 and 6 number is 36). Make 6 numbers and then put them in order.
- Math Riddle: Email me your answer, and I will write your name down on a ticket for a prize when we return! I am an odd number. The sum of my tens and ones digit is 18. I am 10 less than 109. What am I?
Word Work:
- squiggle park for 20 mins.
- Choose a Reading comprehension in your learning packet.
** Check out Mr. Williston and Mrs. McFarlane’s combined Phys Ed teacher page for some gym ideas today!
**Check out Mrs. Comeau’s teachers page for some music class ideas!