Home Learning Nov. 4th

Posted: November 4, 2021

Good morning boys and girls!! First, I just want to say thank you to those that have sent pictures or videos, I am enjoying seeing all the great work everyone is doing! I hope we are all back soon, I miss everyone! Again, please reach out if you need anything or having any trouble login into anything!


Soft Start; Choose an activity

  •          Coloring
  •          Building
  •          A walk outside
  •          Help cook breakfast




Literacy block:

Journal writing- Call a family member of your choice (with permission) and ask them what their favourite recipe is. What is their favourite thing to cook or bake? Write down their recipe, and maybe you can try cooking or baking it with a family member! Please keep your writing pieces, date them, and put them in your homework folder or email me your writing!

Spelling: Continue to work on Unit 5 spelling. Today you can write your words using the white board that was part of your home learning packet.

Today when you read a book/or listen to a book, I want you to divide a piece of paper into 3 sections. On the paper use the headings Beginning, Middle, End. Write, in complete sentences what happened at the beginning of the book, the middle and at the end of the book. Write down what your favourite part of the book was.

Sites you can use during Literacy: Squiggle Park, Epic, storylineonline and tumble books (https://www.tumblebooks.com/ Username: nblib password: nbschools)


  •          Zorbits/Splashlearn – play for about 20 min: https://play.zorbitsmath.com/  www.splashlearn.com
  •          http://www.abcya.com/games/guess_the_number Click on this link, and play Guess my number
  •          Number of the day today, let’s go with 32. On a piece of paper, write the number, tell me if its odd or even, show it using tally marks, how many tens/ones are in 32, forward/backward counting by 1’s and 10’s starting at 32, what is 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less, 100 more.


Sites you can use during Numeracy: Hit the number – click on play game, then number bonds, then up to 10. http://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

Check out Mr. Williston and Mrs. McFarlane’s combined Phys Ed teacher page for some gym ideas today!

**Remember to do what you can!

** Do your best!

**Keep any work and bring it to school when we return!

**Email me pictures so I can upload to my teacher’s page!

** I miss you guys, and hope we are back to school soon!

**If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to reach out; heather1.gallant@nbed.nb.ca