Posted: April 21, 2020
Hey 5W- FIST students! Mrs. Pitre posted a Math problem of the week. I would like to see you send your solutions to her email . Enjoy!
Posted: April 21, 2020
Hey 5W- FIST students! Mrs. Pitre posted a Math problem of the week. I would like to see you send your solutions to her email . Enjoy!
Posted: April 19, 2020
Bonjour les amis,
I miss you all. I hope that you are all continuing to do well and enjoying time with your family. I look forward to hearing from you, seeing your pictures and reading your stories. Keep checking our class Teacher Page just in case I add a picture or note for you.
I see that some of you are trying the reading site! I am very glad. It is important to keep up your reading. Remember what Dr. Seuss says:
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”
The weather is getting nicer and the snow is melting! It’s a great time to get outside for fresh air and exercise. Also, one of the ASD-N STEAM issues is all about planting. Maybe you could help your parents clean out a flower bed or prepare a garden.
The Home Learning opportunities are posted. Please remember, these assignments are learning opportunities. Complete them at your own pace.
I will continue to call to chat with you this week. Take care and stay safe!
Have a great week everyone!
Mme. Wilt
Posted: April 14, 2020
The attached documents were added for informational purposes.
Posted: April 13, 2020
Posted: April 9, 2020
A new document under Home Learning April 6-9, 2020 was added. Several students were looking for more information about our plants in the classroom. This sheet has pictures of the plants with their names. Hope this helps!
Posted: April 9, 2020
Bonjour tous mes amis,
La fin de semaine arrive et aujourd’hui est le quatrième journée de la continuité des apprentissages (à la maison). Je veux vous remercie pour les photos, les histoires et les messages envoyer par courriel. Continuez à envoyer vos travaux! J’adore à les recevoir!
Mardi, j’aimerais voir des photos et des messages décrivant les façons dont vous avez célébré avec votre famille. Les nouvelles traditions commenceront-elles en raison de l’état actuel du pays?
Passe une bonne fin de semaine! Vous avez 4 journées à fêter avec vos familles.
Vous me manquez tous!
Mme. Wilt
Posted: April 5, 2020
Please see Teacher Page for Mrs. Comeau for ideas and activities for Music.
Posted: April 5, 2020
Please see Teacher Page for Mrs. Potts for STEAM activities.
Posted: April 5, 2020
Please see Teacher Page for Mr. Noel for Physical Education activities.