Mrs.Petrie (VP)

It's fine to work on any problem, so long as it generates interesting mathematics along the way - even if you don't solve it at the end of the day. -A

Posted: May 25, 2020

This one isn't a problem, its a game.

You need:

two players and 15 coins or buttons or bingo chips.

Put your coins in a line.  On your turn, you can remove 2, 3 OR 4 coins from the line.  Then, your partner does the same.

The goal is to take away coins and force your partner to take the last coin.

If you don't have 15 coins, you can draw 15 circles and cross them off instead of removing them.  You could play outside using chalk if you had it. 

Things to think about:

Does it matter who goes first?  Can you come up with a strategy for winning?


Posted: May 13, 2020

The problem this week comes from the University of Waterloo.

Graphic designers need to have a good spatial sense and knowledge of geometry.

Venn Diagrams are a great way to sort and classify information.

Two important things to remember:

1.  Areas that overlap in a Venn Diagram share characteristics

2.  Not all hexagons look the same

PDF icon naming_fonts.pdf204.78 KB

Posted: April 27, 2020

The problem this week comes from

What I like about this problem is that you can use the strategy of guess and test, and there are several possible solutions.  Try it with someone at home and see if you make the same numbers!

PDF icon rs_two_digit_targets.pdf271.02 KB

Posted: April 27, 2020

Ryan Allison and Alexis Patterson both solved last week's problem.  Alexis' solution is posted below.  Great job!


File alexis_solution.docx88.26 KB

Posted: April 21, 2020

Hi Lions!

I love "Guess My Number" problems.  Use your number sense to solve the number riddle in the document below.  Then create your own number riddle and get someone else to figure it out!  If you want to take a picture of your riddle, and send it to me, I'll post it on this page.

PDF icon guess_my_number_potwa-19-nn-27-p.pdf181.08 KB